10 November 2020

Moving treasures from 'buried' to 'valuable' status

My mind is buzzing. Sal's mind is buzzing. We need to make changes as we move forward - to where?

Two of us in a five-bedroomed house. Not the ideal, but what to do?

I think of the many things that need to be done to move forward. I lie wakeful at 04:40 with a cat disturbing my sleep, doves cooing and helping to keep me out of sleep, it is cozy in bed, so I do not really want to get up. I know that I need sleep as my coping capacity will be compromised if I am deprived of sleep, but there is so much to do and my mind is occupied, and I am not drifting back to sleep...

I think of the buried treasures in our home, my garage, the loft, many things of value that are not realising any value because I want them to achieve their maximum value and so they are achieving nothing of value... 

These bed ends for a bunk bed have been buried treasure 
that need to be brought out of obscurity

In 2008 we did some reorganizing in our home and a bunk bed was taken out that had been installed, without their bed ends, in a temporary bedroom - and then the bed frames disappeared. I am not sure if they had been given away, or put outside and taken without permission. But, some time later I found the bed ends in the loft. So - someone has two bed frames and possibly mattresses, without bed ends, and we have bed ends with no frames. 

It would be wonderful for the bed-ends to be reunited with the original, or even some alternative frames and realise their full potential for which they were originally designed. But, they have been in my way for years without my getting around to finding a way to let them become the supports for a bunk bed again. Cindy proposed using them to make bookshelves for her new home, but I wanted them to become a bunk bed again, so they did not become bookshelves and they are still in my way...

I realise that I have caused this treasure to remain buried rather than letting it become useful in some way. It reminds me of what my mother said - 'The road to hell is paved with good intentions'. I am not intentionally being obstructive, and I believe that my desire is not evil, but maybe there would be better value in bookshelves than these items just being in limbo waiting for me to make something very unlikely happen. If we fail to let them function as bunk beds, or as bookshelves, they may deteriorate and become of little value as either, and then end up in a fire. But even then, branches that do not produce good fruit, or tares, cast into a fire still provide heat for warming, cooking, cleansing, smelting, or some other useful purposes, and the ashes can add nutrients and texture to the ecosystem when they are swept out of the fireplace.

So - I acknowledge that the best intention might not be the best option of it is not put into action to realise that intention as we downsize in preparation for moving on. And - this is only an example of many forgotten treasures...

1 comment:

  1. I relate... I'm sharing some of treasure that is no longer able to fit in our home... I love you Les.
