12 September 2010

A splendid spring garden - Kirstenbosch in September

I was at a meeting in Newlands yesterday morning and took the opportunity to go for a walk in Kirstenbosch. The garden was full! The car parks were full. The weather was splendid. The flowers were amazing in their colourful splash. Well worth the time spent to recreate myself.
See the panorama - nearly 180° of daisies through to brilliant vygies.
Some of the many colours of the delightfully brilliant Bokbaaivygies
Matthew's Rockery with its mass of vygies of various colours
Children enjoying the stream as our children have done on so many occasions.
And masses of daisies of various colours
And then the variety of colours in the protea section given by leaves and flower heads - Protea, Leucospermum, Leucadendron, Diastella, Faurea, etc. - and birds - interspersed with flowers from other families. Not just in the developed garden, but right up on the slopes of Table Mountain you see the yellow bracts of Leucadendron giving Fynbos one of its distinctive characters.
And then lots and lots of people enjoying Heavenly Father's creation in 'this little bit of the Garden of Eden that has remained intact' (to quote Dad Ken Powrie).
A walk in the forest
And all this so close to civilisation, yet so removed - truly rejuvenating.

05 September 2010

A challenge to the social network on the internet

Yesterday at 07:24 as the sun was rising on Sutherland, Northern Cape, South Africa, I took a photo of two guys  who wanted me to let them have the photo. I was not able to give it to them at the time as we were going in opposite directions, them heading out of town and me toward town and rushing to get on my way back to Cape Town, about 364 km away.
Let us see how quickly someone can put a comment below this blog saying that they have given the photo to Nolan and/or Moses (shown in the photo) who work at the dam at Sutherland. That should be easy for us who live in the Global Village.

So the challenge is out! Let us see how the message gets around, via what people, homes, workplaces, towns, cities, continents. It should be fun, and certainly is doable! It is now 21:23 on Sunday 5 September 2010 - and counting...
Les and Sal Powrie family
Cape Town, South Africa
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