28 December 2021

Reflecting on 2021

I wrote this, but did not publish it. A letter that I had written for someone, reflecting on the year 2021.

Good morning, my friend

I hope that you have had a fantastic 12 months of 2021 and that you have been very successful. 

I have been thinking this morning of someone that I fear has a long-term view that is not as long term as it should be - not much beyond the long-term view of a teenager that is 'Friday night'... That is why our investment was in our children's education and character development rather than in their clothes or 'things'. I hope that you are having fulfilment in climbing the ladder of success, but, more importantly, that your ladder of success is leaning against the correct wall 😉🤔

Blessings on you as you continue to navigate these challenging waters of health concerns, political concerns, security concerns, economic concerns, philosophical concerns, personal and any other concerns. The Lord is at the helm. He has not been caught off guard in this global COVID pandemic or anything else. He is leading us individually through His Holy Spirit and collectively through His living prophet. Blessings on you as you press forward in your individual wilderness towards your individual promised land, appreciating the miracles of an escape from slavery in Egypt, a Red Sea being parted, water coming from a rock, wonders at the mount called Sinai, quail for dinner on occasions, healing from serpents by beholding a brazen serpent raised by Moses, and even daily bread called manna! I hope that the daily very real discomforts and inconveniences are not taking away your enjoyment of God's very real miracles in your wilderness ☺️🤔

Blessings on you, 

Your friend and brother, Les Powrie

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