27 September 2024

My witness of the source of mankind

I watched an inspiring thing on YouTube How Modern Archaeology CONFIRMS the Bible in which Corey East answers this question, explains what archaeology is, and emphasizes the importance of a biblical worldview. I felt impressed to share this with her and others who will watch it. To date, nearly 4000 people have Liked her presentation.

Corey working on one of her first experiences in an archaeological dig.

I appreciate your insights and witness of the Bible, Corey East

I studied botany and zoology as majors, but my studies included chemistry, physics, biochemistry, genetics, and so forth. I then spent decades working in nature, ecology, and with the wonders of creation from desert to forest and everything in between in South Africa that is an exceptional part of the world in terms of natural resources, especially biodiversity.

After many years, thoughts came to my mind that we tend to think that things are just the same now as they were in the past. This brought to me the same conclusion that I heard in a film about 50 years ago - Albert Einstein or Isaac Newton or someone of their calibre asked the question "Who keeps winding the clock?" While pondering this, it occurred to me that if I use a gas cooker or gas lamp, I need to keep on refilling the gas bottle. It loses mass as mass is changed to energy in the form of heat or light. The Sun at the centre of our Solar System is constantly converting mass to energy, and the Earth is continually absorbing energy. The gravitational attraction between Sun and Earth is affected by the mass of each body. That being said, how many seconds was a year 6000 years ago in the time of Adam and Eve?

I also wondered about the levels of radioactivity if they are continually depleting by about 50% every 300 years, as an example, then just 6000 years ago, in the time of Adam and Eve, ambient levels of radioactivity would have been 1 million times higher than they are at present - what effect would that have on genetic mutation, general health with us not walking about wearing lead protection, and on the rate of decay of radioactive substances?

Things cannot simply have always just been the same as they are now with gravitation changing and radioactivity changing, and these are only two of so many variables! And yet, mariners have been using the same stellar constellations for navigation for thousands of years! so - who keeps on winding the clock? Who keeps on filling the gas bottle?

I have also pondered about the last speciation event that apparently occurred - there are various suggestions that there might be species that have developed recently, but it is clear that thousands go extinct compared to a few possible new species over recent years. That does not sound like it is sustainable, especially to explain the millions of species that have been described.

All in all, my faith is in an intelligent Creator rather than the suggested chance-phenomena as the explanation for all of the truly amazing ecosystems that I have seen including things like species-specific pollination. I appreciate your input into this faith-building experience that I have had where I have learned so much from the Spirit that no man has taught to me.
Blessings on you in your work helping to build faith in Jesus Christ as the Creator of whom John said 'All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.' and of His Father who sent Him to be our Messiah and He said "O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt."

As part of my journey, I have read the works of Charles Darwin and came to the conclusion that he actually was bearing witness of creation rather than evolution, but was working with the lenses that were available to him in his university experience studying theology and pondering science. I salute him for his wonderful thoughts that he shared based on what he had available to him. People have built their own philosophies on what they interpret from Darwin's and other authors' writings, but often avoiding reading the Bible and pondering what it actually describes. I appreciate what Corey shares about the word of God contained in the Bible text.

I certainly do not have all of the answers, but I am confident that we are not the result of chance phenomena, but of a carefully planned  creation by an intelligent and loving Creator. I do not only know about Him, but through my study and praying I have come to know Him. I know that anyone who does what I did will also come to know Him.

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