12 July 2024

My response to someone sharing [fake?] news with me

 A friend sent a video in which someone tells of people with evil intent taking HIV/AIDS treatments to countries in Africa with the intent to kill of masses, or to depopulate those countries. She had previously shared a similar thing about Global Depopulation in which vaccines, GMOs, and so many things are judged to have been introduced for evil intent.

Artificial Intelligence enables the production of amazing fake videos in which gorillas and babies speak or sing. 
It can sometimes be difficult to discern between true and fake news.

My response to this concern was:

It is always difficult to know what is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. 

I do not doubt that some of what they say is true, maybe most of what they say, but I know enough about science that I sometimes question the conclusions that are drawn. 

One of the reassuring things that I have experienced is eating with people whom the Lord has called as prophets, seers and revelators, and seeing them simply eating what is served in the hotel or restaurant, and not being particular about no GMOs, vegan, or any weird diet, other than the Word of Wisdom in D&C 89, given an about 1836. I know that the Lord knows perfectly what is truth about GMOs, vaccines, and all, and He would not allow His prophet to cause His beloved children, even the weak and simple shepherd, fisherman, carpenter, street-sweeper, or anyone who cannot be expected to fully understand everything that is shared so readily and widely on social media, to be injured by things like GMOs without making His will known. 

I always listen with interest to what they say in General Conference -  and what they do not say - about GMOs, vaccines, news of wars, and the sensational things that many people share, 

More people in any part of the world are those weak and simple children of God than are the sophisticated academics or 'the wise and learned'. Our loving Heavenly Father has clearly spoken out about some issues - and I obey His word. When He has not spoken, I try to be wise and prudent, but not fearful.

My response to the HIV/AIDS concern was:

This guy is not lying. But he is not telling the truth. 

Let me ask you. How many people do you know that have or had polio? How about smallpox, rubella, and many fatal or serious diseases for which you and I and our children were inoculated or immunised? 

We were injected with those viruses or diseases as children. The purpose was so that our bodies would develop a resistance to those diseases for the possibility that we might be exposed to it in our community. If we were exposed to it, as I have been because I know at least two people who had polio and had deformed legs as a result, our bodies had built up antibodies so that they fought off the virus or disease. 

The purpose of HIV/AIDS treatment was not to spread the disease but to help people to not die from the disease. I know at least one friend who contracted HIV because of exposure by helping someone who was infected. He was a chaste man who did not do the things that caused the disease, but was exposed to it when helping someone who had contracted it because of doing those unchaste things. My friend lived well and continues to live decades later because of the treatments that this video is saying were designed to kill people. 

I have flown in an aircraft many times. Many people have died in aircraft because of engine failure. Sally and I flew to Salt Lake City to be sealed in the Temple there.  On our way, our plane lost two of its four engines and we flew for hours over the sea before we could land on an island and wait for another plane to be sent to take us on to New York and then continue our journey. Was that plane built with the purpose of killing off passengers? Many people die in planes, taxis, cars, bicycles, even walking across roads. Were these vehicles and transport systems designed to depopulate our country? 

I think that the words of the Saviour apply here. 'Judge not, that ye be not judged. For, with that judgement that ye judge, ye shall be judged'. If we look for faults in people when they actually had the best intent to be a blessing to the nations, but are actually less than 100% perfect and some people suffer because of their failures - do we judge them as intending to cause suffering, or as trying to do good but being like you and me - imperfect people? 

God knows the intent of the people who developed the AIDS treatments. You can ask Him. 

God's prophet encouraged church members to receive vaccines. The Church has helped millions in underdeveloped nations to immunise their children. I know that our wonderful and loving Heavenly Father would not allow His prophet to suggest anything like immunisations that could negatively impact on any baby, child, carpenter, fisherman, shepherd, or any simple human or animal. He would not allow the weak and simple of the world to suffer because His prophet made a mistake. 

Please ask God if Russell M Nelson is His tue and living prophet in 2024, and when He confirms to you that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is His only true and living church in the face of the Earth with which He is well pleased, as He has confirmed to me, then please listen to the missionaries to see what Heavenly Father wants you to do.

I know that God will answer the prayers of even the simplest fisherman, goatherd, or carpenter. 'If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask if God'. That is the question that Joseph Smith had when he asked God, and that started the restoration of the only true and living church.

I hope that what I have shared might encourage the reader of this boring blog to ask God as counselled in James 1:5 because we all lack wisdom.


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